Registration for Consultants

The Clateway Marketplace is the marketplace platform that connects CIO’s and IT decision makers with vendors, vendor solutions and freelance consultants. It is designed to help IT decision makers find the best solutions for their business needs and connect with experts who can provide guidance and (implementation) support. Since Clateway organises the CIO and IT decision maker community worldwide we have a large community that uses the Clateway platforms. Next to the online platform the marketplace is also accessible through the mobile app “Clateway”. 

The way for a freelance expert to get involved with the Clateway Marketplace is by reviewing vendor solutions. These reviews will be showed in the reviews tab for that solution. This involves evaluating the offerings of different vendors and providing feedback on their overall score and advantages, disadvantages, and overall suitability for different types of businesses.

To review vendor solutions on the Clateway Marketplace, the first step is to create an account profile on -> register . To create a profile, you will only need basic information. Additional information will be needed when you apply for a job where you need to describe your background, skills, and areas of expertise. You will also need to upload your CV and any other relevant documents, such as certifications or references.

Once you have created a profile, you will be able to browse and review the listings of available vendor solutions on the Clateway Marketplace. You can filter these listings by industry, type of solution, and other criteria to find the ones that are most relevant to your expertise.

When you find a vendor solution that you would like to review, you can click the reviews tab and “add a review”. You can also send a request to the vendor here to obtain more information about the product or service. This might include access to demo versions, technical documentation, or other materials. The review will be moderated and approved if it has the right quality.

Once you have reviewed the vendor solution and its approved, you can view your findings at the marketplace. This should include your assessment of the product or service, its advantage and disadvantage, and any overall recommendations you might have. You can also include any additional information that you think would be useful for IT decision makers, such deployment options, or integration capabilities.

If a company shows interest in your expertise and requests a consultant, the profile will be sent to you, along with information about the opportunity. You will then be able to apply for the position by providing your availability, rate, and other relevant details.

Overall, being present on the marketplace and the process for reviewing vendor solutions on the Clateway Marketplace is a great way for freelance experts to showcase their skills and connect with IT decision makers in need of their expertise. By providing valuable insights and recommendations, you can help companies make informed decisions about the solutions they use, while also building your reputation as a trusted advisor in the IT industry.